Osteoarthritis Management: Essential Do's and Don'ts for Improved Joint Health

September, 20 2024 2 min read
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Do your achy joints prevent you from fully experiencing life?

Are activities as easy as walking or climbing stairs a headache for you?

Say hello to CurQLife and Aflapin, your newfound partners in the fight against osteoarthritis. In the quest for effective solutions, two natural ingredients have emerged as potential superheroes for promoting pain-free joints: CurQLife and Aflapin. Let's delve into the benefits and science behind these powerful compounds.

CurQLife and Aflapin gaining popularity these days.

CurQLife and Aflapin are rising in popularity because of their numerous benefits. They both come from natural sources, Turmeric and Boswellia (Shallaki - medicinal plant) respectively and have demonstrated encouraging outcomes in promoting joint health.

Synergistic Action: CurQLife and Aflapin for Osteoarthritis?

Turmeric has an active ingredient called curcumin, and its patented formula is called CurQLife, which has 48 times more bioavailability1. Due to CurQLife's increased bioavailabilityand improved absorption by the body, it may be more effective at reducing inflammation and promoting joint health.

Aflapin, on the other hand, is an extract from the Boswellia serrata plant, is an anti-inflammatory2 substance that has been utilized in Ayurvedic medicine because of its potential advantages for joint health. The patented version of Boswellia serrata known as Aflapin is extremely potent and effective in joint comfort and mobility.

Is this backed by any clinical research or other evidence?

Aflapin and CurQLife have both completed extensive clinical trials to assess their efficacy. CurQLife was shown in a clinical experiment to dramatically lessen joint pain and enhance joint function in people with osteoarthritis.

Similar trials on Aflapin have shown that it can improve physical function, lessen pain, and increase joint flexibility in osteoarthritis patients. These findings are quite encouraging and imply that these dietary supplements could be beneficial additions to the treatment of osteoarthritis. Evidence shows that maximum studies have been done on Aflapin with positive outcomes.

Are there any interactions or side effects to be aware of?

Before including CurQLife or Aflapin into your regimen, like with any dietary supplement, it's important to speak with a medical practitioner, especially if you are taking medication or have any medical issues that you already know about. These dietary supplements are often well accepted and rarely cause negative effects.

How do I take these supplements and can they take the place of other osteoarthritis medications?

Antara’s AGEasy has come up with just the right solution Joint Care Comfort. It provides these nutraceuticals in an easy to consume, once a day powder form or a capsule form and is packed with a powerhouse of the nutraceuticals you need to manage your osteoarthritic symptoms.

But remember, CurQLife and Aflapin are not a replacement for existing osteoarthritis treatments, but rather complementing alternatives. They can be taken with other therapies suggested by your doctor, like physical therapy or painkillers, to boost their effectiveness.

Is it safe to use CurQLife with Aflapin over the long term?

With Antara’s AGEasy combination and the benefits of these nutraceuticals, these products are safe and easy to use. They have been extensively researched by us for their benefits on joint health and are derived from natural sources. These nutraceuticals are often well tolerated and have few adverse effects when used as recommended and with the assistance of a healthcare expert. However, it's always a good idea to go over any supplements you want to take with your doctor to be sure they are suitable for your particular health requirements.

Where can I find CurQLife and Aflapin products?

These nutraceuticals are easily available on our website. You can click on the link below or visit the website to find plenty more options for your joint care! You can also contact our helpline to know more about the disease and how our products can help you live your life in ease and comfort.

Helpline - +919911789911


1- Bioavailability: How much and how easily your body can use a substance. Higher the bioavailability, better the substance

2 - Anti-inflammatory: Something that helps reduce swelling and pain in the body


  1. https://curqlifeusa.com/
  2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35512759/